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Mindful Self

Did you ever wish that you were brilliant?

Do not be ashamed or think you are arrogant or prideful. It’s normal thinking, not to worry.

However, there is a bit of truth to it. We can be brilliant to ourselves and even our family, friends and co-workers would think we have a special ability or abilities to see problems or stop them before occurring.

Why? Because with the practice of mindfulness, we can and will do anything we put our minds to with focus and concentration.

In today’s world, it is really difficult to concentrate on anything for any length of time before we are interrupted. Interruptions come in all forms. Those closest to us, who may need our help. Or those at work, who again may need something from us. And then there is technology, the biggest threat of distraction that we know and recognize today in this newfound world of ours.

In the case of distractions, some cannot be avoided, of course. But, over all, they can and should be eliminated if we expect to excel, accomplish and succeed.

But, how do we do that? We do it by breath, practice of min, and practice of meditation. I know, it all sounds so restrictive and disciplined. You say, “I tried but I can’t do it” or “I don’t really like it and it did nothing for me”.

That is simply not the truth. Although, we may think it is the truth in our minds, but sadly, it is not the truth.

I say this with confidence because I once said that too. And now, both mindfulness and meditation is a big part of my life. And frankly, I cannot live without it. I am happier, safer and more focused about everything.

However, when I say I am a lot happier, I do not mean I live a life of estate happiness. There are still days or moments of sliding up or down but not drastic moments of sliding into full blown unhappiness.

There are always struggles or challenges in daily living. We can never completely eliminate it but we can feel better about it and certainly approach challenges in a different way. We can be more realistic, authentic, and truthful about them. And only then, can we really solve them the way they should be attended.

You cannot chase happiness. It comes with the position of the mind, heart and soul. You can center them and connect them to you. They are you, so be careful and respectful of them. Treat them with kindness and compassion. You are precious to yourself, God, and the world.

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